Hon. Ummy Mwalimu’s visit to the TangaYetu projects funded by the Foundation Botnar

Hon. Ummy Mwalimu’s visit to the TangaYetu projects funded by the Foundation Botnar
On July 17, 2023, the Minister of Health and Member of Parliament for Tanga, Hon. Ummy Mwalimu, had the opportunity to visit various projects being implemented under TangaYetu, accompanied by a representative from the Foundation Botnar Tanzania, Dr. Hassan Mshinda. Some of the projects visited included the Agribusiness project implemented by SUGECO, Fisheries project implemented by TCC/MoLF, Kuroiler F1 Poultry farming project implemented by AKM Transformation City Environment for Health and Productive Development of Children and Adolescents implemented by D-LAB and Living Lab, ARISE Adolescent Health Survey implemented by Africa Academy for Public Health, and the Road Safety Project implemented by AMEND.

Through this visit, Hon. Ummy Mwalimu had the opportunity to observe the progress of each project and commend the project implementers while also encouraging the citizens to make good use of these opportunities to improve their economic well-being.

Clifford Sangai

Clifford Boniface Sangai, a Senior Communications Specialist at INNOVEX Development Consulting Ltd, brings a dynamic and results-oriented approach, particularly to the TangaYetu Initiative. As a key player in shaping the project’s communication strategy from the ground up, Clifford is leveraging his multifaceted expertise to establish TangaYetu’s voice and build a strong foundation for community engagement.

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