About Us

Get to Know TangaYetu

TangaYetu is a programme which is implemented under the OurCity Initiative which is one of the Fondation Botnar’s key initiatives, aiming to support selected cities around the world to implement coordinated programs that leverage digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI), and transform them into places where young people’s wellbeing and opportunity is secured.

The initiative collaborates with young people, civil society, policymakers, innovators, and other city champions to nurture wellbeing and opportunity for all. The change will be driven by local-level programming and implementation together with young people.


To strengthen capacity of the Tanga City Council to deliver services

To improve access and quality of social and other related services (Health, Education, Social Welfare etc.)

To promote skills development, innovation and entrepreneurship

Management Structure

Fondation Botnar

Fondation Botnar is the funder of the TangaYetu Initiative. In Tanzania, Fondation Botnar is represented by Dr. Hassan Mshinda, who serves as the Country Representative through HD Consulting Associate. Dr. Hassan manages linkages and synergies across a portfolio of projects funded by Fondation Botnar in Tanzania and works closely with INNOVEX and Tanga City Council.


INNOVEX is the Programme Management Firm responsible for managing and coordinating the TangaYetu Initiative on behalf of Fondation Botnar. INNOVEX performs both the Administrative, Coordination and Fund Management roles.

Tanga City Council

Tanga City Council is the primary partner of the programme with direct link with the young people in the city.

TangaYetu Steering Committee

TangaYetu initiative is managed under the guidance and leadership of the Steering Committee. The Committee gives strategic direction to the programme and guide the Implementing Partner and responsible Parties in the execution of the projects.

The Committee also ensures the effective oversight through receiving regular reports and reviewing the results of projects. The Steering Committee is responsible for reviewing programme progress, make recommendations and adopt and approve the work plan and budget.

Meet Our Team

Leonard Kitoka

Program Director

Bahiya Tajiri

Program Manager

Patrick Waziri

Program Coordinator

Sania Adam

Program Accountant

Clifford Sangai

Program Communications Specialist

Hadija Mtunguja

Program Assistant

Walter Patrick

Program ICT Specialist

John Mwandry

Program Driver

Steering Commitee

Juma Rashidi Iddi


Safia Said Mbamba


Mbonny Maumba


Mwanakombo Salimu Mohamed


Salum Awadhi


Swalehe Iddi Hassani


Beng’i Mazana Issa


Dr. Deodatus M. Mtasiwa


Our Partners


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