Combating All Forms of Gender Based Violence for Children and adolescents Adolescents in Tanga City Council

The Combating Violence Against Children and Adolescents project has made a tremendous impact, far exceeding its initial targets. A total of 71,010 children and students were reached, an astounding 710% of the original goal of 10,000. Furthermore, 104 school clubs were established, surpassing the projected 15 clubs by 693%.

The project also extended its reach into the community, conducting 36 advocacy and sensitization campaigns aimed at parents, guardians, local leaders, and religious leaders, reaching a total of 2,383 people. These efforts have played a critical role in raising awareness and preventing violence against children.

A significant achievement of the project was the rescue of 12 children, aged 11 to 16, who were working as child laborers in Tanga, selling groundnuts, boiled eggs, and coffee. With the help of the Social Welfare department, these children were reunited with their families in Lushoto, and the individual responsible for their exploitation was arrested and is currently facing legal action.

The project has also heightened awareness about the importance of reporting violence against children and adolescents (VACA), contributing to stronger community engagement and protection for vulnerable children in Tanga.


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