Road Safety City Project

The Road Safety City Project, implemented by AMEND, focuses on enhancing road safety for students and the wider community in Tanga. This initiative has made significant infrastructure improvements at 11 schools, including the construction of footpaths, a pedestrian footbridge, road signs, speed humps, rumble strips, and zebra crossings, ensuring a safer environment for students traveling to and from school.

In addition, the project has trained over 900 motorcycle taxi riders in safe riding practices, collaborating with the Traffic Police and motorcycle-taxi association leaders to promote road safety awareness. The implementation of Kids’ Court at five primary schools further empowers students to engage in discussions about road safety issues affecting their community.

To support ongoing safety initiatives, the project has also tried a computer model for pedestrian and traffic counts, serving as an effective data collection tool around schools. Through these comprehensive efforts, the Road Safety City Project is paving the way for a safer future for Tanga’s youth.


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